550 new homes planned as Land Development Agency launches vision for Digital Hub site

The Land Development Agency (LDA) has launched a draft masterplan and next phase consultation process on its plans for the development of the Digital Hub Campus in Dublin 8. The consultation provides an overview of the Draft proposals for the area, and how the LDA aims to deliver on the vision for the affordable housing-led regeneration of this unique and distinctive 3.7 -hectare site which will also include a vibrant mix of commercial, cultural, and community facilities.

Pear Tree Crossing is the working title the LDA has given to this project, alluding to the pear tree – said to be the oldest fruit bearing tree in Ireland – that sits on the existing site adjacent to the famous St Patrick’s Tower, the oldest standing Smock Windmill in Europe. 

The Digital Hub lands have been identified for transfer to the LDA, as part of the Government’s Housing for All strategy, from the Digital Hub Development Agency (DHDA). This draft masterplan is the next step in the transition, demonstrating the proposals for the regeneration and phased redevelopment of these lands which provide an exceptional opportunity for the LDA to contribute to the development of The Liberties and to transform this currently underutilised area into a new, sustainable urban community with a distinctive identity.

The draft masterplan sets a framework that is the first step in the development of new homes, providing for new neighbourhood plots around a series of urban spaces, incorporating approximately 550 new homes. This will largely be made up of new build and multi-generational affordable and social housing, including the re-use of upper floors of existing structures for residential purposes. The masterplan includes the refurbishment and adaptive re-use of the buildings on Thomas Street to provide for mixed uses at ground floor level with residential use on the upper floors, refurbishment of St Patrick’s Tower for cultural / community uses, re-use of the Watling Warehouse to provide residential homes and, public realm works including public spaces and additional pedestrian and cycling routes. 

The proposals are designed to respect the site’s heritage and its unique connection to the local community as well as providing for affordable and social housing, with commercial and community facilities that will support achieving a high quality of life. This will all be done in a way that will deliver enhanced public spaces and biodiversity, and a walkable neighbourhood, opening new linkage points into Dublin 8.

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